Practice undetermined coefficients with 2nd-order linear ODEs

(By Thomas Scofield)

\textrm{Use this app to develop intuition for the Method of Undetermined Coefficients as}\\ \textrm{applied to 2nd-order linear ODEs in the form } \;y'' + p(t)y' + q(t)y = f(t).\; \textrm{ You must specify}\\ p(t),\; q(t), \textrm{ and pose a form for a particular solution } \;y_p(t).\; \textrm{ The app will apply the linear}\\ \textrm{operator } \;L = \frac{d^2}{dt^2} + p(t)\frac{d}{dt} + q(t)\; \textrm{ to the proposed } \;y_p\; \textrm{ which you can compare with } \;f(t).

Last modified on Mar. 5, 2019.